Penyelesaian Transaksi Keuangan Pada Usaha Elektronik Rumah Tangga Dengan Menggunakan Abss Premier Versi 20
Financial Transaction Processing, ABSS Premier V20Abstract
The industrial revolution is a new mode of technology that has a major impact on the production process in the financial, trade and manufacturing sectors. In processing accounting data in household electronic businesses that often experience errors in managing accounting data such as frequent writing errors in inputting the balance sheet sourced from the ledger, causing unbalance in financial statements and in recording financial statements, it is very inefficient because the recording process takes time. In collecting data, the author uses data collection methods, namely the observation method and the literature study method to find out the problems that occur in household electronic businesses, and can provide problem solving using accounting software that can be used by companies in recording one of the accounting software that is often used. namely by using the Asian Business Software Solution (ABSS) software which is very suitable to be applied in Indonesia in managing accounting data for small and medium-sized companies. Using MYOB will be very beneficial in managing your business because MYOB processes data automatically, quickly and precisely.
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