Penerapan Model Design Thinking Pada Perancangan Aplikasi Informasi Desa Wisata Kabupaten Bantul
Design Thinking, Desa Wisata, Usability TestingAbstract
Tourism actors in the current technological era have implemented information systems. With the rapid growth of tourist villages in Bantul Regency, there is a need for promotion and digital information delivery media. However, in developing digital media it is also necessary to pay attention to aspects of the users who are the target market. The design of the application called sidewi mobile (mobile tourist village information system) is based on user experience and needs, using the Design Thinking methodology which has five stages as follows: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. The design of the Sidewi mobile application was created using FIGMA software. This research has direct benefits, namely that it can be used as a benchmark for design needs before the development process. The results of the design are then tested using the usability testing method. Using a user friendly design approach and conducting testing using usability testing with the results of five users being able to complete the testing proves that when it was created using user experience there were no significant difficulties when used and it covered all needs.
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