Informatics and Computer Engineering Journal <p><strong>Informatics and Computer Engineering Journal</strong> adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Teknologi Komputer Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Kampus Banyumas. <strong>Informatics and Computer Engineering Journal</strong> terbit 2 kali setahun (Februari dan Agustus) dalam bentuk elektronik dengan E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2798-6845</a>. </p> <p>Jurnal ini berisi naskah artikel ilmiah dan penelitian yang mencakup bidang: <em>Infomation System, Networking, Aplication Mobile, Software Engineering, Web Programming, Mobile Computing, dan Aplikasi Sains</em>.</p> Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika en-US Informatics and Computer Engineering Journal 2798-6845 Penerapan Metode Prototype Dalam Perancangan Sistem Informasi Service Pada Bengkel Sido Motor Berbasis Website <p><strong><em>Abstracts</em></strong><em> - Motorbikes, as private vehicles, are an economical and very popular means of transportation in Indonesia. However, almost all motorbike riders have experienced problems such as a loose or broken chain, engine breaking down, and other problems. For this reason, workshops have an important role in helping motorists overcome these various problems. Sido Motor Workshop is one of the workshops located in Karangsalam Village, Kemranjen, Banyumas. Sido Motor Workshop provides service services, sells spare parts, oil and a variety of other motorbikes. Service at the Sido Motor workshop is still manual. This means that customers have to queue if they want to get motorbike service. Processing transaction data and payments for services, spare parts and preparing reports is still done manually. Therefore, it is necessary to design an information system to facilitate service activities at the Sido Motor workshop. The method for designing this information system uses the prototype method, where this method has stages, namely requirements gathering and system analysis, design modeling, prototype formation, and prototype evaluation. Using UML to describe the flow and functionality of a system. It is hoped that the implementation of the information system at the Sido Motor workshop will make all activities more effective and efficient. Admins can manage service data and make reports in a timely manner. And the Sido Motor workshop's income continues to increase and the number of customers continues to increase.</em></p> Vembria Rose Handayani Meida Intan Saputri Eka Rahmawati Chandra Kesuma Copyright (c) 2024 Vembria Rose Handayani Vembria, Meida Intan Saputri, Eka Rahmawati, Chandra Kesuma 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 2 39 47 10.31294/icej.v4i2.3467 Penerapan Linear Sampling Dalam Komparasi Decision Tree Dan Deep Learning Pada Pelajar Pecandu Narkoba <p><em>Drug addicts based on a report from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Indonesia are more than 7 million people in the age range of 15-64 years. The number of students who become drug addicts is increasing every year, this phenomenon is very worrying because students are the next generation of the nation who are expected to become leaders in the future. In school areas, the pressure to excel and be accepted by peer groups often urges students to seek escape through the use of prohibited substances. Not only that, the lack of parental supervision and low understanding of the dangers of drugs also contribute to the increase in this addiction problem. This study compares the decision tree and deep learning methods to find the highest accuracy value between the two methods, while sampling is done using linear sampling. The highest accuracy value is in the decision tree method with an accuracy value of 69.50%, 100% precision and 0% recall.</em></p> saifudin Sunanto Sunanto Copyright (c) 2024 saifudin, Sunanto Sunanto 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 2 48 52 10.31294/icej.v4i2.4671 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL GAME BASED ANDROID NAMED MALAYA FOR INTRODUCING SOLAR SYSTEM <p><em>Learning about the solar system for elementary school students is still manual using textbooks or lecture methods, which is one of the problems that makes students less active in the learning process. Therefore, new learning methods are needed to increase the interest in learning of class VI students at SD Negeri 33 Pagar Alam. One way to increase students' interest in learning is to change the learning method to be more interesting and not boring, so an Android-based educational game introducing the solar system is created so that Class VI students are more enthusiastic about playing while learning. The development of this game uses the GDLC (Game Development Life Cycle) method. The use of educational games as an alternative medium in delivering material is considered effective and efficient because games are generally often played and liked by elementary school children, so an Android-based educational game introducing the solar system&nbsp; elementary school was created. By making this educational game, it can make it easier for students to understand the solar system, especially knowing the names of the planets in the solar system<strong>.</strong></em></p> Lendy Rahmadi Medi Triawan Mira Rosalena Copyright (c) 2024 Lendy Rahmadi, Medi Triawan, Mira Rosalena 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 2 53 63 10.31294/icej.v4i2.4851 PERANCANGAN SYSTEM INFORMASI TOKO SERASIH UNTUK MEMPERMUDAH PELAPORAN PENJUALAN <p><em>Toko Serasih is a UMKM focused on the management, sales, purchase, promotion, and sale of daily goods. This research aims to develop a web-based information system design to enhance efficiency and solve operational problems. The research method used in the development of the information system for Toko Serasih includes interviews and direct observations of Toko Serasih to determine the system requirements needed for the information system design. The design created in this research encompasses the system development stages using the sequential linear method. The sequential linear method includes system requirements analysis, system design including use cases, database, and interface design, as well as system implementation and testing using black-box testing. The design carried out at Toko Serasih facilitates the seller or store admin in sales reporting, which includes stock management, transaction processes, and financial reporting. In addition, this web-based UMKM provides convenience for buyers in accessing promotions and product information available. The system testing using the black-box testing method shows that all implemented features function well according to user needs. The implementation of the web-based information system at Toko Serasih has proven effective in addressing existing operational performance issues. The designed system not only increases efficiency and accuracy in processing sales reports, including sales, purchases, and promotions at Toko Serasih. Thus, the information system at Toko Serasih is an appropriate solution to improve performance and competitiveness as an UMKM.</em></p> michael oktavianus Ibnu Zahran Ramdani Ardyana Lumban Tobing Syafta Nuryana Copyright (c) 2024 michael oktavianus, Ibnu Zahran Ramdani, Ardyana Lumban Tobing, Syafta Nuryana 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 4 2 64 74 10.31294/icej.v4i2.4712 Classification of Online Video Game Player Retention Rates <p><em>The internet has become an integral part of people's lives, with 5.44 billion users worldwide and 185 million users in Indonesia. Internet use covers a wide range of areas, including entertainment such as video games, which had an estimated 3.38 billion global users in 2023 and continues to grow. The video game industry shows huge market potential, with significant revenues. To exploit this potential, game developers must maintain player loyalty. Player retention, i.e. a game's ability to retain players over a long period of time, is critical in increasing a game's revenue and popularity. Knowing player retention rates is a key strategy in marketing, as high retention is associated with higher loyalty.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Previous research has examined player behavior and retention in the context of games, but there is no comprehensive model for various types of games. This research aims to develop a classification model that can identify the characteristics of players with high or low retention rates. This model is expected to help game developers design more effective retention strategies. The findings of this research will provide in-depth insight into the factors that influence player retention and offer guidance for game developers in developing better features and strategies to retain players.</em></p> Mustofa Mustofa Heru Purwanto Fabriyan Fandi Dwi Imaniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Mustofa Mustofa, Heru Purwanto, Fabriyan Fandi Dwi Imaniawan 2024-08-05 2024-08-05 4 2 75 82 10.31294/icej.v4i2.4910 UI & UX Design Based Application for the Sanitation and Parks Department of Utan Jati Public Cemetery, West Jakarta City Government <p>This research aims to design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of an application for the Department of Sanitation and Parks in TPU Utan Jati, West Jakarta, using the Design Thinking method. The research begins with the Empathize stage, involving observations and interviews to understand user needs and challenges. Define identifies issues such as inefficient manual systems, limited information access, and inadequate data integration. Ideate generates creative solutions like developing an integrated information system and land inventory. The Prototype stage involves creating a user-friendly application prototype for testing, while Testing validates the application's functionality in real-time tracking and updating of information. With the Design Thinking approach, this application not only meets technical requirements but also enhances efficiency, transparency, and accountability in managing cemetery facilities at TPU Utan Jati, providing an optimal user experience.</p> Nia Nurhaliza Ismail Copyright (c) 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 4 2 83 92 10.31294/icej.v4i2.4926 UI & UX DESIGN OF RAW MATERIAL INVENTORY APPLICATION FOR PRODUCTION AT PT. INDOMAS PRIMA SEJATI <ol> <li><em>Indomas Prima Sejati is a company operating in the manufacturing sector. Management of raw material inventory data at PT. Indomas Prima Sejati is currently still doing it manually in preparing the latest stock reports. This manual approach is less effective and efficient because it has the potential to cause errors in recording and takes a long time to compile inventory reports. Raw materials are a number of materials used in the production process for resale. Therefore, raw material inventory management is very important for company operations because it has an impact on production efficiency, fulfilling consumer demand, and operational costs. In the midst of advances in the current digital era, the use of technology can help overcome this problem. To increase efficiency in managing raw materials, an inventory application design was designed that uses the design thinking method to create a User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) prototype. This application aims to simplify and increase the effectiveness of managing raw materials in the production process PT. Indomas Prima Sejati. This research chooses the design thinking method because its approach focuses on users, so that it can provide solutions that suit their needs. The design thinking process consists of five stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing. </em><em>In the testing stage, the researcher uses the Single Ease Question (SEA) approach to the some respondents to measure the level of ease of design solutions that have been made. Single Ease Question (SEA) is a testing technique by giving one question to respondents related to the task being tested. The application testing was successful in terms of ease of design solutions from respondents by getting an average score of 4,5 for application creation requests, then the prototype test results got an average score of 8.4 which means that the features made are easy to understand and understand.</em></li> </ol> Ira Damayanti Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Ira Damayanti, Ismail 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 4 2 93 103 10.31294/icej.v4i2.4937 Membangun Jalur Komunikasi Antara Darat Dengan Laut Via VSAT <p><em>PT. Bintang Khatulistiwa Internusa is one of the vendors engaged in providing infrastructure and internet services specifically for ships. Customers who sail often need internet services to transmit data and communicate with the head office in Jakarta, so it is necessary to develop communication infrastructure that can connect between land and sea, this is an important challenge in the current era of digitalization. Visat, a technology that utilizes satellites to transfer data, has emerged as a potential solution for creating effective and reliable communication lines. This study aims to explore the process of building communication lines via Vsat that connect land and sea. Through literature analysis and case studies, PT. Bintang Khatulistiwa Internusa takes advantage of Visat technology in overcoming the geographic and infrastructure challenges associated with building communications lines in hard-to-reach areas. We also consider the economic, social, and environmental implications of implementing this technology. The results show that Vsat has great potential to improve connectivity between land and sea, providing significant benefits in terms of economic growth, regional integration and availability of access to information. However, challenges such as implementation costs, data security, and infrastructure resilience remain major concerns that need to be addressed in efforts to implement communication channels through Visat. Thus, this research provides important insights for stakeholders to plan and implement more efficient and inclusive communications infrastructure in land and sea areas.</em></p> Deni Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Deni, Ismail 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 4 2 104 114 Implementasi Metode Extreme Programming Untuk Merancang Sistem Informasi Payroll Pada PT. Jala Artha Karya <p><em>Information systems provide additional benefits for the organization and business of PT. Jala Artha Karya, a general contractor company engaged in architecture, civil construction, mechanical and electrical, steel fabrication, tower construction and consultant. At PT. Jala Artha Karya, the payroll or salary and attendance system is currently still done manually through recording on a worksheet, which sometimes results in data redundancy and difficulty in making reports because they must be summarized first, and has the potential for abuse of authority and data manipulation. Therefore, it is necessary to design an information system for payroll at PT. Jala Artha Karya. The development of this information system is website-based and uses the Extremel Programming (XP) method, which is a simple software development approach and includes one of the agile methods developed by Kent Beck, Ron Jeffries, and Ward Cunningham. XP is one of the most popular agile methods and has become a very well-known approach in the world of software development. With the implementation of a website-based payroll information system at PT. Jala Artha Karya is expected to help manage payroll and attendance more effectively and efficiently.</em></p> Lilyani Asri Utami Alby Sukmana Copyright (c) 2024 Lilyani Asri Utami, Alby Sukmana 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 4 2 115 124