Pelatihan Manajemen Arsip Digital dengan Teknologi Cloud Computing Google Drive Pada Desa Karangtengah Cibadak Sukabumi


  • Erni Ermawati Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Ramdhan Saepul Rohman Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Renny Oktapiani Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Dasya Arief Firmansah Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika


Community service is one of the tridharmas of higher education which is carried out to provide direct benefits to society. The development of cloud computing technology used in the Google Drive service has changed the way organizations manage digital archives. With cloud computing, digital archives can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling easier and more efficient collaboration between team members. Meanwhile, the archive management of the Karangtengah Cibadak Sukabumi Village Office is not yet optimal. Google Drive allows users to store, manage and share various types of files and documents online and is considered more efficient and structured. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in Google Drive also helps in searching and grouping archives, making the documentation management process faster. For example, the smart search feature allows users to find documents based on keywords or content within the document. In addition, Google Drive also provides advanced security features, such as data encryption, access control settings, and protection against malware, thereby ensuring the safety of digital archives from cyber threats. By adopting cloud computing technologies such as Google Drive in digital records management, organizations can reduce physical data storage infrastructure costs, increase accessibility and collaboration, and increase efficiency in the overall documentation management process. This community service activity will be carried out offline. The output of the activity will be in the form of publications in national mass media, documentation of activities in the form of photos, activity news releases and journals.




