Sipkumhamai Application Success Analysis Using the Delone And Mclean Model


  • Fadillah Said ST Ilmu Komputer Cipta Karya Informatika
  • Chintia Octenta
  • Adi Octaviantara



Legal and Human Rights Policies, Evidence-Based Policies, Sipkumhamai, System Evaluation, Delone and Mclean


Evidence-based policy aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of policy settings and increase alternative opportunities. The Legal and Human Rights Policy Strategy Agency created the SIPKUMHAMAI application to support evidence-based legal and human rights policies, support legal and human rights research with better data, and provide information to the public about legal and human rights issues. It is very important to make efforts to provide comprehensive and systematic data and information on legal and human rights issues originating from real situations on the ground. In addition to overall legal and human rights issues, this data and information can be used to find out more about the causes of legal and human rights problems, identify deficiencies in law enforcement and human rights protection, and carry out analyzes and provide various recommendations to strengthen systems and mechanisms for enforcing law and human rights in Indonesia. To achieve this goal, a system evaluation must be carried out to determine which components need to be improved. This is necessary to determine whether the system used provides significant benefits for users and the organization. Using the Delone and McLean model, from the six relationships of Information System Success Model, it was obtained that only Hypothesis 7, Hypothesis 8, and Hypothesis 9 were significantly supported and accepted by the data. These findings provide several implications for eGovernment research and practice, especially regarding how to maximize applications. This paper concludes by discussing the limitations that the proposed hypotheses are not fully supported by the research results.

Author Biography

Fadillah Said, ST Ilmu Komputer Cipta Karya Informatika




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How to Cite

Said, F., Octenta, C., & Octaviantara, A. (2024). Sipkumhamai Application Success Analysis Using the Delone And Mclean Model. Paradigma - Jurnal Komputer Dan Informatika, 26(2), 80-86.