Sistem Informasi Kelayakan Berlayar dan Kecelakaan Kapal Berbasis Website
sistem informasi kecelakan kapal, metode waterfall, kementrian perhubungan lautAbstract
Abstracts - Sea transportation does not only function to connect regions in Indonesia, in this case shipping is actually one of the main veins of the economy and its strategy is to connect the gaps between regions, in this case the software development approach used in making this website is a linear flow and sequential, involving needs analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The background explanation above illustrates the need for rapid data collection regarding the seaworthiness of company ships and the causes of ship accidents and the losses they cause. To meet these needs, the idea of making a website-based application is proposed. The computer was chosen as a device that supports the application of the plan, so that the application can facilitate the exchange of information when a ship accident occurs. A linear and sequential software development approach is used, with sequential development phases, including requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Various tools, such as XAMPP, Sublime Text Editor 3, PHP, Bootstrap, and MySQL PHPMyadmin, were used in the creation of a seaworthiness information system and shipwreck data. Through this website, related parties, including the Directorate General of the Ministry of Sea Transportation and the National Transportation Safety Commission, can provide information to the public in an efficient and up-to-date manner regarding ship accident incidents.
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